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NCSA Director Ed Seidel congratulates Larry Smarr for his Golden Goose Award
Larry Smarr DC Speech NCSA
Highlights from the 1st Annual Golden Goose Award Ceremony
NCSA Vision, Ed Seidel - 2015 NCSA PSP Meeting
Ed Seidel talking numerical relativity and supercomputing circa 1995
2013 Golden Goose Award Ceremony Part 2 - Reps. Holt, Hultgren, Peters and Awardees
NCSA: A world without supercomputers, #HPCMatters
Student Video: Christopher Smarr
Scienceface Ed Seidel (2) How black hole research gave us the webbrowser
2014 Golden Goose Awards
Edward Seidel Keynote: Cyberinfrastructure Q&A Session
Basic Sciences as Building Blocks for Innovation -- Ed Seidel